A man in a hoodie crouches on a bridge, his hood drawn so low that you cannot see his face. His hoodie is dark blue—the same colour as the bridge’s metal bars that surround our mysterious figure. Who is this man? He is none other than the Glass Smashing Bandit. This is the poster for my upcoming documentary, Bandit: A Story. Although the actual Bandit refused my invitation to be part of the documentary, I have conducted multiple interviews of people close to him, providing a detailed insight into the psyche of Melbourne’s most notorious criminal, who was recently pardoned of all charges. I have the footage ready, and now it just needs to be edited by a video production business near Melbourne, for a quick turnaround.
As a bit of a teaser, I’ll reveal something now that nobody knows about the Glass Smashing Bandit. Are you ready for this? It’s a pretty unbelievable insight into the mind of this man, who has plagued Victoria with his glass smashing habits. Alright, here it is. Bandit loves to go to the roller disco. Turns out, this bad boy has a thing for 80s nostalgia. He loves to put his roller skates on every Saturday night and get lost in the disco tunes with his partner, Frankie. You’ll see an interview with the roller skates rink owner in my documentary, as soon as the company I’ve hired for post-production services has done their editing, fine-tuning the documentary into an incredible film.
Did you know that Bandit also likes gardening? I wonder if that has anything to do with his crippling desire to smash glass? Well, I don’t wonder, because I already know the answer. All will be revealed in this exclusive documentary! Make sure to check it out when it hits theatres, later this year. Keep an eye out for the release date of Bandit: A Story, to be announced soon.