Dressing Down

There’s a lot of talk going around lately on the topic of working from home: the upsides, the drawbacks, and the mere curiosities. For me, there’s one thing that stands out, and that’s how all this affects one’s dress sense. It’s not just a matter of tracksuit pants on the bottom, smart casual shirt on top – it’s a full-on evolution of aesthetic sensibility. 

That might sound overblown, but hear me out. I’ll give you an example. When I go to the office, I always wear high heeled shoes. It’s just what I’ve done for the past eighteen years of working within corporate law firms, so now it would be a whole thing if I stopped. At least, that’s my argument in favour of wearing them, much to my podiatrist’s dismay. 

Anyway, now that I’m working remotely, it’s occurred to me that this argument doesn’t hold up under the circumstances, as no one can see my feet. I’m therefore gradually caving to the notion that high heels can be responsible for all manner of foot and leg conditions. Cheltenham being relatively flat and well-serviced by public transport, I don’t tend to do all that much walking in heels, so I’ve always brushed this idea aside. But now, with my colleagues not being any the wiser, I figure it’s time to give it a chance.

Don’t get me wrong – I haven’t downgraded to orthopedic sandals with circulation socks. But I have started wearing some rather spiffy flat brogues during work hours. They do have a small block heel, but they offer significantly more arch support and aren’t as rough in the ankle department. Maybe there’s something to all this.

I’ve heard that some people are turning up to their desks in sheepskin slippers, bed socks or no footwear to speak of. That, to me, seems highly unprofessional. But given the evolution in my dress sense that’s already underway, I guess I shouldn’t write it off just yet.